Saturday, May 17, 2014

Our Friend Noah

I want everyone to pray for an individual by the name of Noah. Noah has been unemployed for three plus weeks, has a wife and four children, and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord Wednesday night. The Lord used Kelcei Chamberlain to introduce him to our group on a walk back from the store buying supplies for the next day. Kelcei asked Andrew, Scott and me if we would come out to the front of the hotel where Noah was standing. We spoke with him for a few minutes and my Spirit did not agree with what I was hearing. It wasn't that he didn't have the right answers, but I just did not feel comfortable saying goodbye to Noah. So we asked Noah if he would come back the next night about the same time so we could sit down and talk with him more. He agreed.

The next night Noah came back as agreed. As the group met to share what had happened that day, Scott, Kelcei, Andrew and I had the opportunity to speak with Noah again. It was yet again affirmed that God had this group of people together for a reason. What Noah shared that he was looking for work, the door was opened for Kelcei to share the part of her testimony concerning how God is faithful to provide. His personal struggle with alcohol opened the door for me to share part of my testimony, and how someone I know struggled with a similar addiction. The word was shared and Noah told us that he knew the Lord. We offered him a Bible which he asked for the night before when we shared scripture with him, and Scott challenged him to read it daily. Believe it or not, the Lord wasn't through with Noah. Noah was told that if he came back the next night, we would give him a food bag to take back to his family.

The next night Noah came back and we had the food bag waiting for him. Actually, Noah was at our hotel when we arrived back from eating out. In talking with Noah, it became apparent that Noah had not made Jesus Lord of his life when the interpreter Edwin told us that Noah had not read certain scripture that we had asked him to read. We spoke with him and we shared the gospel with him in very clear and concise language. Faith comes by hearing and hearing from the word of God. Noah prayed and became a brother in Christ. Praise be to God for the great things He has done and continues to do. To Him be the glory forever and ever. AMEN!

Written by Wendell Sheffield...

Friday, May 16, 2014

Unfathomable Poverty

Today was very difficult. The two teams joined today to go and work with the people around and about the Guatemala City Dump. There really are no words to adequately describe the type of poverty these people live in day-to-day. Families of 5,8, 10 and even 13 lived in an area no bigger than what we would refer to as a large walk in closet. The walls were sheets of rusted tin, the floors were mud (some had concrete) and there were no windows or doors. Dogs and cats filled the tiny, dirt alleyways that separated the homes. Flies were so thick that at times it felt as though it was snowing flies. The air was thick with smoke and dust to the point that it made most on our team noticeably uncomfortable. I say this only to try and help those at home understand how desperate the conditions are for many of the people here. As we went in many of the homes delivering food bags, we were able to share the word of God with the different owners and various family members. This was difficult for me personally because I struggled with the idea that here I was in these conditions telling these people about the joy and hope that they will have as believers, knowing that they will wake up each and every day fighting to survive yet another day. But yielding to the purpose God had for sending us on this trip, we made sure the word of God was conveyed in a clear and concise way. Kitty Hester, Kelcei Chamberlain, Elizabeth Sheffield, Jose and I shared Gods word, and I am pleased to announce that when we left, we left them with hope which brought them joy. We know, and more importantly they know, and believe, that they can face tomorrow with the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior and Lord. I was proud of the way Kitty, Kelcei and Elizabeth shared and prayed with some precious ladies.
We head back to the states tomorrow with full hearts, knowing that God has been glorified with our work in Guatemala. Thank you Lord for changed lives both inside and outside of this country.

Written by Wendell Sheffield...

Thursday, May 15, 2014

An Orphanage Perspective

Today was very interesting. We went to a center called CASA DE ALELUYA, a home for over 500 children that come from varied familial situations. Many of the children were abandoned by their parents and left on the side of the road, only to be found by authorities. The testimony given by the founder was inspirational. In my 53 years on earth, I don't believe I have ever met a man that has experienced so much favor from the Lord. At 45, he was called to Guatemala to begin this ministry. He shared experience after experience, and truly captivated the entire team with his testimony of the miracles the Lord performed to bring about CASA DE ALELUYA. At the root of everything he said was that what the world might consider lucky happenstance, were miracles manifested through acts of love through people God intentionally brought into his life. What one might consider a tragic circumstance, God used to bring about tremendous good.

We ended the day with three games of soccer. I am proud to say that six of us gringos whipped up on three children, a teacher, the bus driver and one of our interpreters (all of whom are Guatemalan and LOVE football/soccer). Goodie, Andrew, Scott, Austin, Daniel and I did an outstanding job representing. Just saying we showed them people how to play the game.  The others in our group were able to love on the infants/toddlers and pre-teen/teenagers.

Tomorrow will be a busy day. We are going to be working at the Guatemala Dump where we will work with different ministries and Tabitha (home for abused and battered women). We will leave at 7:00 a.m. and return at 8:00 p.m. Please pray for our team. It has been an exhausting week, but one that has blessed each one of us, and we believe the people of Guatemala. Our God is an AWESOME GOD.

Written by Wendell Sheffield...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Now I Know Why...

Now I know why this trip has been under attack.  As the pressure intensified, leading up to this week, I knew God had plans to do a mighty work through us.  Satan was doing everything in his power to destroy this trip.  The Bible says the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.  This is particularly true for those who do God's work.  Today I saw firsthand why the devil wanted to stop us.  I had the privilege to visit families in their homes, within Pastor A's community.  I was humbled and overjoyed by what occurred.  It was evident that God ordained each meeting, and strategically placed us with certain individuals.

We had the opportunity to share with a young couple.  A couple who did not believe in Jesus.  The Holy Spirit was moving thickly within this home as each word was spoken.  Brother Austin had the chance to share, and pulled from the Bible, telling the story of Jesus' temptation in the desert.  Brother Jose was on fire as he interpreted for us, and even shared what God laid on his heart.  I had the opportunity to share my testimony and the four spiritual laws, backing each one up with scripture.  There was much discussion and clarification.  And the devil did everything in his power to keep this family from Jesus.  But he had no authority or dominion, because both made the decision to give their lives to Jesus.  Praise the Lord!  A sweet time of fellowship was had as we rejoiced and welcomed this brother and sister in Christ into the family.  Pastor A was there, to come along side them and help them move forward in their walk.  I may not see them again here in Guatemala, but I will see them in heaven.  Oh how my heart is overjoyed!  What a humbling experience it was to have the power of the Holy Spirit work through us in such an awesome way.  I do not understand it, but I am so grateful.  To God be the glory!!!

Our next encounter involved a woman who was heartbroken.  Her mate had left her for another woman, and had been physically and verbally abusive towards her, as he aimed to throw her out of their home.  She was so very discouraged and broken.  Two of the sisters in our group stepped out of their comfort zones and shared how they personally had been affected by adultery and abuse.  Sister Amber Kay shared Psalm 139, and made it clear to this broken woman just how beautiful she is in the eyes of God.  Sister Allison shared that she had been in one horrible relationship after another, but decided she wanted Jesus, and Jesus only.  This sweet, broken woman, who grew up in the Catholic faith, decided she wanted Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior.  And she prayed to receive Him, with repentance in her heart.  Praise the Lord!

There were other divine appointments within each home we entered.  We were blessed and encouraged by each family, and we hope and pray we were able to do the same for them.  The Guatemalan people are so kind and hospitable.  They suffer from the oppression of poverty on a daily basis, but the joy of the Lord is the strength for so many.  What an encouragement!  What perspective we have received!

One group was able to go back to the school in Pastor A's community, and wrap up with the remaining students.  The children were very receptive.  Brother Andrew Goodwin has a true gift of reaching people, particularly children, with the Word of God.

Today was our last day working with Pastor A.  After he and his family graciously hosted us for lunch once again, we had a precious time of praise and worship.  He and his congregation sang for us and prayed for us.  And we were able to sing Amazing Grace for them and pray over their congregation, community and country.  Pastor A shared from God's Word, and had a special time of prayer for Brother Andrew Goodwin, as the Holy Spirit impressed upon him that Andrew is to go into the ministry.  It was sad to leave, but we rejoiced in knowing we would all be together heaven!

We thank God for all that He has done through us so far this week.  We give Him all the honor and glory.  I want to personally thank each and every one of you that has prayed for us.  Please know that, through your prayers, you have been working right alongside us.  And I ask that you please continue praying.  We cannot do this without your prayers. God bless you!

Written by Kelcei Chamberlain...

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Celebration of Life Day...And No, It's Not My Birthday

Today was a very special day, for many of us here in Guatemala. Our group went to the school, once again, with Pastor Apolonario. Today we went to the older children's classes, aging around the second to fourth grades. For the first two classes my small group and I visited, Austin shared his testimony, Stacey shared the parable of the prodigal son, Elizabeth answered any questions the children had, and finally Rachel and Kaleb showed them the plan for salvation with our Evangecube. Through all of this, Alejandra was interpreting everything we said for the children. They were very receiving of our message, and responsive when we were more interactive. The next two classes we visited were a bit more meaningful to me. We walked into what was our third class to visit, and Alejandra and I walked up in front of the children. To my knowledge at the time, I was just saying hello and talking with them until our group was ready to get started. Austin walked up to me and asked me to share my testimony for a change. This was an unexpected request, but I complied, if not slightly hesitantly. It truly has been a while since I've shared my testimony with anyone, honestly. So I took a moment to gather my thoughts, and I began. At first, I struggled to find a starting place, but my words shortly started to flow out of me, explaining my story to these children I had never met in my life. It felt very right to share it with them. As I went through my life with God, I could see that I had these children's attention. After I finished sharing my story, we went through the rest of the routine from the previous classes. I could tell, God wanted me to tell these children my story. I had the chance to tell my testimony in the fourth and final classroom visit as well. This time I didn't hesitate to begin, with a little more excitement inside my heart. Without realizing it until after I was done, I added some more details to my testimony. Pastor sat in to listen this last time, and during our message, he decided to speak. He used my testimony, my, to tie into what he was wanting to tell the children, and that really touched my heart. Now, my testimony does span my entire, but short, nineteen year life, but a good portion of it is relevant to my car accident, which occurred back in September, last year. Ironically, the wreck was exactly eight months ago today. The thirteenth of every month is a special day for me. I'll come back to that shortly though, as it is relevant to how our day ended. After we left the school, Pastor once again invited us into his home to share lunch together. Needless to say, the meal was not only gracious, but very delicious too. Pastor's wife can cook very well, and even that may be an understatement! After our meal, we headed to a nearby hill. This was the second time I've visited this village-on-a-hill. We split our group again, to hand out food bags to families in need. We met some very nice people, who were kind enough to let us into their homes, however short. You could see how thankful these people were for our visit and the food bags in the way they spoke and smiled at us. This week, God has been dropping hints directly in front of me, as to what's really going on here, and why we're here. Before we entered our third home to visit, I was talking to Goody as to how God is leading all of us on this trip to something or someone that we can connect to on personal and spiritual levels. Well, the third home we went into was home to a single, elderly woman. Unfortunately, I cannot recall her name. But as we heard her story, we learned she had recently dealt with intestinal surgery. Going through my recovery from the wreck, I had to go through two intestinal surgeries just to survive. See? Something I could sympathize with her, that I could connect to. As we left, I knew God put me there completely on purpose. We finished giving out our food bags and then headed back home. Home being the hotel, in this case. We spent our extra little free time at the market, where we got some cool memorabilia. For dinner, we ate at a very nice restaurant named Cafe Condesa. Excuse my misspelling there, if indeed I did so. Dinner was wonderful, and we finally were able to successfully sit all of our group at one table. Like I mentioned earlier, today is eight months out from my wreck. Usually on the thirteenth of the month, I take the day to slow down and recuperate, to think back to the accident and have a decent amount of quiet time. Today, Cherene pointed out how today is a celebration of my life, of sorts. More so the fact that I'm still alive, really. So, accordingly, we dubbed the day "Celebration of Life Day." Blunt, but appropriately so. As we finished our meals, the waiters and waitresses brought two cakes out to our tables. They placed one cake in front of Daniel, and one in front of me, both with three small, pastel colored candles sitting in the center of each. Initially, this really confused me. Cakes? And it's not either of our birthdays, not even close to mine. What was going on? As it turns out, it was also Daniel's ten year anniversary of his liver transplant surgery, which saved his life. Unbeknownst to either of us, Mateo, Cherene, Andrew and Kelcei planned to have this small celebration for Daniel and I. To say the least, it really meant so much to me, and likewise for Daniel, I'm sure. We are a family, and for them to show us how thankful they are for our lives and still being around,'s something that words don't really do justice. God made this day line up perfectly, and it's simply incredible to see how His power made it all happen. So, with that, I ask you to continue praying for us and our friends here in Guatemala. Thanks for reading all of this, today meant a lot, and I'm very happy to share it with you.

Written by Hunter Moss...

Monday, May 12, 2014

Physically Exhausted, But Spiritually Rejuvenated

Today I had my world rocked by four encounters of the Holy Spirit, while visiting four small homes on a hillside in Guatemala. I am emotionally and spiritually drained, but so grateful to be serving a God whose grace and mercy know no end and who will refuel me to continue to follow His will. Continue to pray for us as we continue to do His work.

Written by Andrew Goodwin...

Today was exhausting physically, but rejuvenating spiritually. It started out at a school with approximately 700 students. Our team broke up into two groups. The group that I was on was responsible for sharing the plan of salvation. The other group was responsible for music and games. Each group would be in a classroom and when finished, would switch classrooms. It was much easier for the teams to go between rooms than have 45 children move classrooms. Once done, the children would be allowed a time of recess. During recess, we would play soccer with the children. In addition to sharing with the children, the teachers and principle of the school were shared with. Let it be known that the word of God was all over that school today.
For lunch, the pastor had us to his home again where we were treated to his wife and daughter-in-law's cooking. As we ate, the pastor shared his testimony and time was spent letting he and his wife share some very personal and troubling issues that they are enduring. Pastor also committed to pray for America and the spiritual battles being fought at home.
Next we delivered food bags to families in the community and prayed with them. Their prayer requests were very simple. Elizabeth made the observation that not one person asked for prayer for material things, but they wanted us to pray for their family, health issues and spiritual concerns.
Today was a good day and again my heart is full.

Written by Wendell Sheffield...

A Malnutrition Center Perspective...

Going to the Malnutrition Center today was a real eye opener to say the least. The women that work there have so much dedication and patience. First, Ms. Lucky, the director of the center, showed us a binder with some before and after pictures of the children they've treated and nursed back to good health. It was absolutely astonishing to see the difference between the two. She then explained the process of taking in the children and that they don't have a time limit on how long they can stay. Then, we were set free to go where we wanted to help. We did everything from feeding them, to changing diapers and playing with them. We attempted to put on a puppet show, and at first were successful, but then they wanted to try it out for themselves. It was the most adorable thing seeing them so excited to participate. These children show so much joy and happiness even though they're going through such a hard time. The women and children there were such an inspiration to us and truly made us rethink our actions. As soon as we left, we were all asking when we could go back.

Written by Ashton Norton...